In 2010, UC Berkeley embarked upon a campus-wide shared services solution intended to streamline operations and aggressively manage administrative costs throughout campus. Campus Shared Services (CSS) was launched as part of Berkeley's Operational Excellence effort, a multi-year effort to make operations more efficient so that the University may direct more resources away from administrative expenses and toward teaching and research. Transition concluded in 2015.
The goal was always to make continual improvements over time. As such, a restructure occurred in 2018-19 to help re-establish personal connections and develop more local expertise. We are now known as Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) and currently structured into five (5) service regions that provides service to specific "groupings/clusters" of academic or administrative units.
To learn more about the Berkeley Regional Services management team, view an organizational chart or explore the options for working at Berkeley Regional Services, click on any of the sections in the left-side panel.