(Editors note: The following email was sent to campus departments by Moon Jang-Shinn and BRS Regional HR Managers/Supervisors on 3/17/25.)
Dear Department Managers and Colleagues,
(Editors note: The following email was sent to campus departments by Moon Jang-Shinn and BRS Regional HR Managers/Supervisors on 3/17/25.)
Dear Department Managers and Colleagues,
This year's call for Summer Salary for Faculty began the week of March 3, 2025. BRS regional RA and HR teams are working with their PIs and departments with Summer Salary budgets without BRS RA support.
Check out the details, deadlines and resources by going to the Summer Salary for Faculty pages of the BRS website.
(Editors note: The following represents a joint email sent by APO on 12/10/24 to the AP Network to provide a preview of 2025 efforts.)
Dear Colleagues:
(Editor's note: On 10/30/24, this CALMessage(link is external) was sent by Vice Chancellor Administration and Vice Chancellor for Finance to announce winter curtailment details for the two divisions.)
Fiscal Close (FY23-24) deadlines for Vice Chancellor Finance (VCF) / Vice Chancellor Administration (VCA) were communicated to campus via this CALMessage(link is external) on Tuesday, 5/7/24.
In order to help departments/units begin their preparations, below is a snapshot of the deadlines that have been identified for services provided by Berkeley Regional Services (BRS). These deadlines were also included in the VCF/VCA CALMessage.
(Editors note: the following is representative of an email sent to campus departments on 311/24 by Moon Jang-Shinn, COO, SSALL, and the BRS Regional HR Managers/Supervisors.)
Dear Department Managers and Colleagues,
Supply Chain Management is hosting a Supplier Expo(link is external) on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, from 10:00 am. - 2:00 p.m., at Pauley Ballroom in the MLK Student Union. Registration is now open(link is external) and a special giveaway and lunch will be provided to the first 300 people that register AND attend the event.
(Editors note: The following represents a campus email sent by Heather Archer, AVP/APO to their APO campus contacts on 1/18/24.)
Dear Colleagues:
Editors note: The following represents news the BRS Regional Directors/HR Teams will begin sharing this month with their campus clients.
Dear campus departments and key contacts,
I/we am writing today to share some good news that will help expedite the onboarding time frame for new Berkeley employees and alleviate a pain point we have been striving to improve for several years.
What is the news?
Editors note: A joint VCA/VCF email to faculty & staff was sent on 10/30/23(link is external) and will outline additional service impact details for various departments. An updated email was re-sent on 10/31/23(link is external) to correct a link/date.
Link to the BRS Timekeeping/CalTime sub page announcing this transition.
While many individuals have completed their re-verifications, the campus still must proceed with termination noticing (as outlined below) for those who do not complete the process because non-compliance can result in USCIS fines of up to $2,500 per employee and potential risk to federal funding. Accordingly, the following steps will occur:
Background: In order for UCPath to correctly generate pay for GSIs/TAs, an appointment must be entered into UCPath for the full, five-month duration of the pay period for the semester (8/1/23 to 12/31/23 for fall 2023). Occasionally, situations arise in which a GSI/TA is hired late, or will be working a partial semester. The calculators in this worksheet will help units determine additional pay that is owed in these situations to ensure that the GSI/TA receives the correct amount of compensation for the semester based on time worked.
At the annual recognition ceremony on Tuesday, 4/25/23, recipients(link is external) of the 2023 Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards(link is external) (COSA) were honored plus featured in a campus CALMessage(link is external) from the Chancellor and the COSA Committee on 5/16/23.
Fiscal Close (FY22-23) deadlines were shared with all Berkeley faculty and staff via a joint Vice Chancellor Finance (VCF) / Vice Chancellor Administration (VCA) CALMessage on 5/3/23(link is external).
In order to help departments/units begin their preparations, below is a "preview" of the deadlines that have been identified for services provided by Berkeley Regional Services (BRS). These deadlines will also be included in the VCF/VCA CalMessage.
Congratulations to ERSO's Sanchita Pal, and ProS' Tian Yu on being named two of the outstanding 28 campus managers and supervisors who were bestowed this year's Excellence in Management Award.
(Editors note: the following is representative of an email sent to campus departments on 3/8/23 by Moon Jang-Shinn, COO, SSALL, and the BRS Regional HR Managers.)
Dear Department Managers and Colleagues,
Beginning on Monday, 3/6/23, Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) regions will begin communicating all the details around this year's 2023 Summer Salary processes to their departments and PIs.
Below are highlights and more detailed processes and timelines can be found on the Summer Salary for Faculty pages of the BRS website:
(Editors note: the following email was sent to campus contacts by APO on 2/21/23)
Dear Colleagues,
We are writing today to share some news regarding the implementation of a new combined Multi-Location Appointment/Interlocation One-Time Payment (MLA/IOTP) form, introduced by UCOP and UCPath.
From: Appolicy Departmental <appolicy@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)>
Date: January 18, 2023