Controller's Office announces a new online vendoring process

June 22, 2020

Banner image of Berkeley's Vice Chancellor of Finance

(Editor's note: The following was a CalMessage to campus on 6/22/20 from the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Rosemarie Rae.)


The Accounts Payable Vendoring Team is excited to announce there is now a new online vendoring process available through the Berkeley Financial System (BFS). Starting on July 1, 2020, UC Berkeley employees will be able to invite new suppliers to securely enter their information directly into the BFS supplier onboarding portal rather than gathering paper signatures and faxing forms from the client to the vendoring team. This will expedite the process, reduce the risk of errors, and ensure secure data. It will also allow for notifications to the vendor from BFS.

As we announced on November 4 last year, the Accounts Payable Vendoring team in the Controller's Office is focusing on identifying and delivering essential improvements to the vendoring process. This new expedited process is especially relevant during Shelter-in-Place, as it is not efficient to complete a PDF, send it through fax, and then re-enter the same data into our systems. 

The Accounts Payable Vendoring Team is hosting a series of training webinars at the end of June and the beginning of July at which they will present the new process and demonstrate what the vendor will see when they enter their information into BFS. Complete the linked form to register for training. More information about the new supplier onboarding process and training dates and times are available on the vendoring webpage

If you have any questions about the change, please contact the Accounts Payable Vendoring Team at:

Thank you, 

Rosemarie Rae

Vice Chancellor of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

This message was sent to all faculty and staff. If you are a manager who supervises UC Berkeley employees wihtout email access, please circulate this information to all.