Background: In order for UCPath to correctly generate pay for GSIs/TAs, an appointment must be entered into UCPath for the full, five-month duration of the pay period for the semester (8/1/23 to 12/31/23 for fall 2023). Occasionally, situations arise in which a GSI/TA is hired late, or will be working a partial semester. The calculators in this worksheet will help units determine additional pay that is owed in these situations to ensure that the GSI/TA receives the correct amount of compensation for the semester based on time worked.
Please note that these calculators are ONLY for use with academic year, GSI/TA appointments that are paid on a 1/10 basis (compensation for the academic year is paid in ten equal monthly installments). These calculators are not for use with fiscal year appointees. Calculations are based on single appointments paid out in one transaction.
These Calculators are to assist with the following two types of GSI/TA appointments: -GSIs/TAs hired after the fall semester grace period of August 25th, who will work the equivalent of a FULL semester (e.g., 340 hours for a 50% appointment, 170 hours for a 25% appointment) -GSIs/TAs hired to work a PARTIAL semester
The Academic Personnel Office (APO) will be hosting office hours this week at the following times to answer questions:
- Monday, August 28th, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
- Tuesday, August 29th, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Questions may also be sent to the Academic Personnel Office at: