New combined Multi-Location Appt./Interlocation One-Time Payment Form

February 28, 2023

(Editors note: the following email was sent to campus contacts by APO on 2/21/23)

Dear Colleagues, 

We are writing today to share some news regarding the implementation of a new combined Multi-Location Appointment/Interlocation One-Time Payment (MLA/IOTP) form, introduced by UCOP and UCPath.


In June 2022, UCOP convened a workgroup consisting of representatives from several campus academic personnel offices. The workgroup combined the current Multi-Location Appointment (MLA) and Interlocation One-Time Payment (IOTP) forms into a multi-purpose MLA/IOTP form, with a goal of streamlining business processes and reducing confusion in processing multi-location transactions.

The workgroup also updated the payroll terminology and instructions on the form to reflect current business processes and terminology. The combined form and instructions were reviewed by Systemwide HR, staff policy coordinators from the staff HR offices, as well as UCPath subject matter experts.

Action needed

Effective immediately, please begin using the new combined MLA/IOTP form to document all required approvals have been obtained for a concurrent multi-location hire and/or one-time payment.

Reminders about the current business process

  • Follow the current business process of attaching the signed MLA form to the hire template by attaching the new combined MLA/IOTP form.
  • In those cases where the MLA is for an OTP, the host location will enter information about the OTP transaction on the same combined form and will no longer need to complete a separate IOTP form for record keeping purposes.

As part of the implementation of the new form, APO has taken the following action

  • Removed prior versions of the MLA and IOTP form(s) from the Forms page of the APO websites.
  • References to MLA and IOTP forms have been replaced with this current link to the combined MLA/IOTP form.

Actions for dean’s office/school/VCRO/department(s)

  • Instruct staff responsible for routing the forms to begin using the new combined form immediately.
  • To facilitate a smooth transition, there will be a grace period of three (3) months from the effective date of the combined form during which UCPath will continue to accept the previous published MLA or IOTP forms if submitted as supporting documentation for UCPath template transactions. [Grace period ends on May 31, 2023]

Please note that no changes are being made to current business processes for MLA and IOTP requests.

With the implementation of the new form, please continue to follow the current business process for routing the combined form for approvals to APO via dean’s office/school/VCRO and the current business process for attaching supporting documentation to UCPath template transactions.

If you have questions regarding the implementation of the new form, please email



Academic Personnel Office
UC Berkeley
127 California Hall # 1500
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 642-5626
APO Website