New Purchasing & Payment Guide developed to assist campus

October 25, 2019

The following information was a joint communication by the Controller’s Office and Supply Chain Management on 10/23/19. Your applicable BRS Regional Director/Purchasing & Reimbursement Team can also offer additional guidance.

Berkeley image of campus building

To all Divisional Finance Leaders, 

If you or someone on your team has ever wondered what the best method of payment is here at UC Berkeley, you'll be pleased to hear that the Controller's Office and Supply Chain Management have teamed up to create the purchasing and payment matrix which outlines the recommended methods of payment for goods and services purchased. 

 Why was the matrix created?

One of the most common requests from UC Berkeley shoppers is for a list of what can and cannot be purchased with a bluCard, Event Planner Card (EPC) or any other card; and which items need to be purchased via a PO or some other method. The purchasing and payment matrix clearly outlines what is and isn't allowed for each different purchasing method, and provides links to campus resources that describe the process and policies that limit which payment methods can be used. Use this link to watch a short video overview of the purchasing and payment matrix.

 How do I use this resource?

If you have a need to purchase a specific good or service, search for that item on the main tab of the matrix to find information about which purchasing methods are preferred, allowed, or restricted. For some purchases, there is a required process and this is indicated within the columns; follow the links for more information on those items. On the far right column, you will find links to the UC policy that applies to purchases of that good or service.

If you have a specific payment method (for example, a bluCard) and would like to see a list of everything that can be purchased using that method, select the tab at the bottom of the matrix that corresponds to your purchase. This will re-order the rows to group together at the top of the page to show the goods or services that are allowed for that payment method. 

What if the item I wish to purchase isn't listed on the matrix?

The matrix currently contains ninety different goods or services, which represent the vast majority of purchases here at UC Berkeley. That being said, it is specifically designed to be updated when new goods or services are identified or when there are updates to campus processes or policies. If you are looking for something and don't find it in the purchasing and payment matrix, let us know by following the link in the upper-right-hand side of the sheet that says "payment matrix feedback" and we will investigate and determine if updates are required. We'll document any updates in the 'Changelog' tab.


If you have questions about the purchasing and payment matrix, please contact

Thank you,

Controller's Office

Supply Chain Management