Central versus Regional Support
Please note: As of Spring 2024, the BRS Facilities and Office Manager role is currently open.
Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) staff sometimes work at a variety of locations including the 1608 Fourth Street building.
To support the ever-increasing tasks associated with supporting the daily office management, emergency preparedness, access and ergonomic workstation needs of all BRS staff, the following exhibits the support provided by the BRS Facilities and Office Manager and the support to be provided by the regional teams.
CENTRAL SUPPORT (Facilities Team)
Fourth St. building operations and office management
- Building/maintenance issues - internal/external (heat/air, repairs, plumbing, janitorial, parking lot, etc.).
- Access requests (building, gym, keys, etc.) and security issues.
- Coordinates building supplies for BRS and campus (building) tenants as well as mail delivery.
Coordinates initial region setup & moves
- Any products/services associated with new regional group spaces and related staff moves; not individual moves.
Leads BRS emergency preparedness
- Coordinates Fourth St. emergency planning and maintains other campus Building Manager contact(s) who coordinates those emergency activities.
Liaison to campus Ergonomists Team
- Partners with campus ergonomists for UCRP ergonomic funding when applicable.
- Updates BRS staff on ergonomic news and tips via "Inside BRS" publication or as needed email reminders.
Fourth St. building mail coordination
There are mail bins for both campus and US mail located throughout Fourth St. Mail is picked up and delivered twice daily – morning and afternoon in these locations: room(s) 101 and 127 on the 1st floor and in the kitchen area on the 3rd floor.
If you have questions or need assistance with your working space at Fourth Street, let the BRS Facilities Team know. The best way to request assistance is to submit a request using this google form link.
Purchases of office supplies and/or equipment
- Supplies and services for non-Fourth St. locations.
- Establishing related procedures.
Coordinates people moves
- Post-regionalization moves to include one-off requests to move cube/offices.
- Partners with Facilities and Operations Management team.
- Furniture purchases phones (voice and cellular) moves and building access.
- Local ergonomics evaluations.
- Coordinate computer equipment, etc.
Coordinates emergency volunteers for regions by building
- Identify volunteer lead/backup for each building - they're on point for emergency evacuation for team.
- Lead/backup will represent team at building emergency meetings.
- Updates BRS internal phone/contact google sheet, BRS Emergency Plan, and inventories emergency kits.
Performs ongoing ergonomic evaluations at their location
- Two or more trained ergonomic evaluators needed per region; to be identified in all regional locations.
Arranges IT and equipment needs
- Orders computers, docking stations, headsets, ergonomic keyboards/mice, footstands, wristrests, glare guards, etc., plus copiers/printers in regional campus locations.