GSRs and ASEs have transitioned to CalTime!

Beginning September 1, 2023, UAW Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs), Academic Student Employees (ASEs) and their supervisors will begin using CalTime, Berkeley’s automated timekeeping system, to record their leave usage (and hours worked if biweekly paid). As part of this change, supervisors and delegates will need to review and approve their employees timecards each pay period.

 Why is Berkeley making this change?

 The transition to CalTime is part of the system-wide standardization of timekeeping across all UC campuses for UAW members. Tracking time in the CalTime system will enable additional UAW members (an addition to the Postdoctoral Scholars and Readers and tutors that currently use CalTime today) to join the rest of the campus in reporting leave taken and hours worked (applicable to biweekly paid employees) and approving their CalTime timecard each pay period. 

 What are the key changes?

  •  Transition from a manual process to an automated process for leave reporting using CalTime
  •  Updated CalTime instructions in BRS onboarding/welcome emails to UAW members
  • Timekeeping updates to the FLSA Matrix for students with multiple positions
  • Improved self-service visibility of leave usage and balances
  • New pay codes to track short term PTO and GSR Personal Time Off
  • Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) and their supervisors can find additional information here about GSR Personal Time Off.
  • Monthly paid appointees
    • Will record leave taken only as needed each month, starting 09/01 for pay period 09/01-09/30
    • Approve their timecard on the 1st of each month starting 10/01
    • Supervisor timecard approval is due approximately on the 5th of each month
  • Biweekly paid appointees (very small population)
    • May record hours worked and leave taken biweekly starting 09/03 for pay period 09/03-09/16
    • Approve their timecard on a biweekly basis (every other Saturday) starting 09/16
    • Supervisor timecard approval is due every other Monday by noon starting 09/18

 Additional Information

Thank you,

The CalTime Team

Accessibility  If you are having difficulty accessing any of the information and/or content on our application, or if you have an accessibility related question or comment, please email or you may call 510 664 9000, Press option 1 for CalTime (711 CA Relay Service). We are actively and continuously working to increase the accessibility and usability of our application and digital content.