
All News

March 4, 2021

(Editor's note: Below is the email from Moon Jang-Shinn, CAO, Summer Sessions, Study Abroad & Lifelong Learning (SSALL) and the BRS HR Management Team on 3/4/21 to announce the 2021 Summer Sessions Hiring Process has now begun.)


Dear Department Managers and Colleagues,

January 15, 2021

(Editors note: the following is a 1/15/21 campus email sent to academic contacts by Heather Archer, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Personnel and the Berkeley Regional Services Leadership Teams as a preview to the 2021 Summer Salary deadlines and important information.)

Dear Colleagues:

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a nice and restful holiday break. 

October 9, 2020

In anticipation of the upcoming semester and efforts for Spring hiring, this week, Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) regions have begun communicating details, important deadlines, actions to take and other reminders to their campus clients. While updates are still being made to existing Smartsheet(s) to improve the processes, departments should begin collecting their hiring details now.

August 26, 2020

Berkeley’s CalTime Team has just added new labels to enable employees and managers to easily view the total year to date amount of COVID-19 related leave hours recorded in CalTime. CalTime users may locate these hours taken by viewing the accrual tab at the bottom of their employee timecard. This is the same section where employees currently view their vacation and sick leave accruals and balances.

August 24, 2020

Looking for an easy way to see a “snapshot” of the employees who report to you and see information like their job code, title, department (org node), pay chartstrings, etc.? 

August 4, 2020

(Editors note: the following represents a CalMessage sent to campus on 8/3/30 from Jenn Stringer.)

CalMessage banner for AVC and CIO Jenn Stringer

Dear Campus Community, 

July 16, 2020

(Updated on 7/16/20)

As a follow-up to this News article from May 29, 2020, our colleagues in Berkeley's People & Culture have added additional Zoom/Drop-in Sessions which are open office hour sessions available to anyone at Berkeley as a means as a means to come and ask questions on requesting the COVID-19 related leaves, troubleshooting, etc. No registration needed; just join the Zoom call(s).

June 22, 2020

Banner image of Berkeley's Vice Chancellor of Finance

(Editor's note: The following was a CalMessage to campus on 6/22/20 from the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Rosemarie Rae.)


May 29, 2020

(Editor's note: the following email was sent by the BEARS Region to their campus clients on 5/28/20. Similar messages are being sent by other BRS regions.)

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing today as a follow-up to the campus email from People & Culture on 5/28/20 which introduced the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) processes, forms, and leave codes now available in CalTime. 

May 14, 2020

Vice Chancellor, Finance image

(Editors note: The following joint Vice Chancellor Finance and Vice Chancellor Administration CalMessage email was delivered to faculty and staff on 5/14/20.)

Campus Colleagues, 

The fiscal close deadlines are now available on the Chief Financial Officer website. 

April 21, 2020

(Editors note: the following information was shared with campus departments by their respective BRS Regions the week of 4/21/20) 

Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) is announcing some exciting improvements that have been adopted in order for new Berkeley hires to be more productive when they begin working. These improvements are some of the components of BRS’ larger Re-Envision Onboarding initiative.

April 15, 2020

March 9, 2020

In the next evolution to improve the way HR help is requested and managed on campus, the Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) team, collaborating with partners in Information Services & Technology (IT&S) and the Business Process Management Office (BPMO) are working on introducing a new, more modern HR ServiceNow look and feel, calling it, HR ServiceNow 2.0.

Improvements you'll see ~

February 21, 2020

Navigating all the various hiring steps here at Berkeley for new employees can be tricky. In close collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs and the BRS BEARS Region, a new resource has been developed to help campus supervisors and managers who are planning to hire staff and students this year (and beyond).

January 24, 2020

Editors note: As announced to Divisional Finance Leaders in mid-December 2019, this new offering was officially communicated to the entire campus by Rosemarie Rae, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Chief Financial Officer in an email on 1/23/20.

Vice Chancellor, Finance image


December 5, 2019

Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) has just learned that the UC Berkeley UCPath Operations Team has scheduled three (3) upcoming Fall Update sessions to help people better understand the UCPath structure and leadership. 

Specifically, these sessions will cover: 

December 2, 2019

(The following Graduate Division email was sent to Berkeley Regional Services Directors, Divisional Finance Leaders, Berkeley HR, and the Controller's Office on 11/27/19)

Dear BRS Regional Directors and Research Administration Staff, Controller, Human Resources and Divisional Finance Leaders, 

This is an update regarding the process for charging fee remissions, one that will remain in effect through Spring 2020:

November 20, 2019

October 25, 2019

The following information was a joint communication by the Controller’s Office and Supply Chain Management on 10/23/19. Your applicable BRS Regional Director/Purchasing & Reimbursement Team can also offer additional guidance.

Berkeley image of campus building

October 15, 2019

Last updated 11/12/2019

Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) is observing the annual closure of campus to conserve energy which will occur this year between Monday, December 23, 2019 and Wednesday, January 1, 2020. 

Curtailment 2019 December impacts calendar

Here are more specific details: