HR Service Hub Governance Team (SHUG)

Tasked with oversight of the HR Service Hub system, the HR Service Hub Governance Team known as "SHUG" is comprised of representatives from the five BRS regions, People & Culture, L&S Dean's office and Berkeley IT's Campus Applications & Data/ServiceNow Team. The team meets biweekly to review and prioritize enhancement requests and bug fixes. They also discuss anything related to the use of HR Service Hub that needs discussion, prioritization, approval, communication, change management, etc. Each member is responsible for communicating important information, decisions and upcoming changes to their respective team. 

SHUG Members:

Teal Sexton Functional Owner, Governance Chair
Lisa Wolfe BEARS Region
Robert (Rob) Fredrickson BEARS Region
Shelley Gough BEARS Region
Clarity White BEARS Region
Denise Marshall BEARS Region
Meenakshi Vedantham BEARS Region
Kristina Pollard BEARS Region
Linda Marmolejo BEST Region
Danny Reyes BEST Region
Diana Zhang BEST Region
Lanna Prindiville BEST Region
Levi Porras BEST Region
Darryl San Pedro SHARE Region
Jaqueline Aldrete Vanegas SHARE Region
Mary Spenger SHARE Region
Renee Wallace ProS Region
Aza Gevorkian ProS Region
Brianna Huerta ProS Region
David Beausoleil ProS Region
KayeShundia (Kaye) Ricks ProS Region
Tannaz Ghorban ERSO Region
Jeremy Engleman Central Services
Alejandro (Alex) Gomez Talent Acquisition 
Alex Reyes Talent Acquisition 
Sharon Johnson Benefits & Leaves
Gabe Schmidt Benefits and Leaves
Ryker Hittner Employee & Labor Relations
Alison Lihalakha Employee & Labor Relations
Scott Dinkelspiel Compensation
Doug Van Buren Product Owner - BIT ServiceNow
Nick Dear Client Representative (L&S Dean's Office)